About Us

Creating new value and empowering more emerging enterprises to achieve stronger development

C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment is a professional equity asset management institution under C&D Group. We are backed by the synergy of industrial resources and brand influence of C&D Group, a large-scale comprehensive investment holding group. With extensive connections and diverse collaborations, we work closely with partners in the equity investment industry to create a cooperative and win-win ecosystem.

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Corporate Culture

  • Company Mission

  • Company Vision

  • Company Positioning

  • Core Values

  • Creating new value and empowering more emerging enterprises to achieve stronger development
  • Dedicated to becoming an outstanding equity asset management institution for emerging industries in China
  • An LP with industry backgrounds and direct investment capabilities
  • Proactive efforts and harmonious development

Key Milestones

    • First annual investor conference

    • Harvesting the 30th IPO

    • Evaluated and included in the list of Class A Private Equity Investment Fund Managers for Insurance Fund Investment for the first time.

    • Managed funds exceeded RMB 20 billion.

    • Established over 100 investment funds in collaboration with leading investment institutions.

    • Invested enterprises surpassed 200.

    • Raised funds exceeded RMB 1 billion 

    • "Innovative Top FOF in the Domestic Market” included in Xiamen’s cases of reform and innovation achievements

    • Successfully issued Xiamen's first innovation and entrepreneurship bonds on the Shanghai Stock Exchange 

    • Invested enterprises surpassed 100

    • Managed funds exceeded RMB 10 billion

    • Receivables surpassed RMB 1 billion

    • C&D Emerging (Shanghai) Venture Investment Co., Ltd established

    • Co-hosted the China FOF Summit and the 1st Lujiang Venture Capital Forum

    • Tenth IPO project

    • First IPO project 

    • Rated as one of the "Top 30 Limited Partners in China" for the first time

    • First IPO reporting project

    • First project exits receivables back through mergers and acquisitions

    • Tenth investment project

    • C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment established

    • First investment made

  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014



Honors and Credentials

Insurance Asset Management Association of China

List of Class A Private Equity Investment Fund Managers for Insurance Fund Investment in 2022


Top 30 Private Equity Investment Fund Limited Partners in China (Ranked 2nd) 

Top 50 State-owned Asset Investment Institutions in China 

Top 30 Limited Partners in China's Equity Investment Market in 2022 

Top 100 Private Equity Investment Institutions in China in 2022 

Top 50 State-owned Asset Investment Institutions in China in 2022

ChinaVenture Info

Top 50 State-owned Asset Investment Institutions in 2022

"ChinaVenture - Vigorous 100" List: 

6 portfolio companies included in the list: Bioengine, Yellow Swan, ZELOS, Nuclei System Technology, VectorBuilder, and NARWAL

Top 30 Limited Partners in China in 2022

Top 50 Enterprise Direct Investments in China in 2022

ChinaVenture Info

Top 10 Most Active Limited Partners in the Healthcare Industry in 2022

Top 30 FOFs in China in 2022

Top 30 Limited Partners in China’s Venture Capital Sector in 2022

Top 30 Limited Partners in China’s Private Equity Investment Sector in 2022

Top 30 Most Followed FOFs by GPs in China in 2022


Top 20 Most Followed FOFs by GPs in China in 2020

Top 20 Most Followed FOFs by GPs in China in 2021

Top 20 Most Followed Market-oriented FOFs by GPs in China in 2022

Parent Funds

Top 100 Parent Funds in China in 2019

Top 100 Investment Institutions in China in Terms of Soft Power in 2020 (Top 10 in Social Responsibility) 

Top 10 Industry Investment Institution LPs in China in Terms of Activity in 2021

2021 Investment Institution Rankings - Top 20 Industry Institution LPs

FOF Research Center

Top 20 State-owned Market-oriented FOFs in China in 2021

Top 20 State-owned Market-oriented FOFs in Terms of Returns in 2022

Top 20 "Professional, Sophisticated, Specialized and Innovative" Market-oriented FOFs in 2022

Top 20 State-owned Market-oriented FOFs in 2022

Chinese Venture

Top 10 Investment Institutions among CVC/Strategic Investors in China in 2019-2020 

Top 10 State-owned Asset Investment Institutions in China in 2021

2021 Limited Partner Rankings - "China's Most Active Limited Partner" Award

Haoyue Capital

“Best Healthcare FOF” Award in 2021” in the 6th Healthcare Investment Excellence Rankings in 2022 

[LePure] named the “Best Biopharmaceutical Company of the Year”

[ABclonal] and [JYSS Bio] named the “Best IVD and Life Sciences Company of the Year”

[ClinChoice] and [Ludaopei Medical Group] named the “Best Medical Services Company of the Year”


Top 30 Market-oriented FOFs in China’s Best Institutional LP Rankings in 2021

“China’s Best Institutional LP” in China’s Best Institutional LP Rankings in 2021

Top 20 in China's Best Institutional LP Rankings in 2022

Top 10 in China's Best Direct Investment LP Rankings in 2022

Morning Whistle

“Top 10 Most Promising S Funds” in 2021-2022 – Golden Whistle Award 


Top 20 Most Popular FOFs among GPs

Jiazi Gravity

Top 10 Tech Industry Limited Partners in 2022

China Venture Capital Research Institute

Top 30 Most Influential Limited Partners in China in 2022


VB100 2023 - Pengcheng Award - Healthcare Strategic Investment Institution of the Year


VB100 2023 - Pengcheng Award - Healthcare Strategic Investment Institution of the Year